I use Dhall with archlinux, and emacs, but don't use use-package
. The documentation at https://docs.dhall-lang.org/howtos/Text-Editor-Configuration.html#EMACS assumes you do use this, but I use prelude
to simplify a bunch of my emacs setup, and am not interested in another tool that does similar setup work.
To get Dhall (and in particular, the lsp server) setup, the following steps worked for me.
pacman -Syu dhall dhall-json dhall-lsp-server
dhall-to-json <<< '{ foo = [1, 2, 3], bar = True }'
in emacsM-x package-install
Type dhall-mode
Then enter to install
;; Setup Dhall
(require 'dhall-mode)
;; comment the next line to use unicode syntax
dhall-format-arguments (\` ("--ascii"))
;; header-line is obsoleted by lsp-mode
dhall-use-header-line nil)
(add-hook 'dhall-mode-hook 'lsp)
file. lsp should start up, and be ready to go.You can test the integration with the following configuration file
let user = "Dhall"
let welcome = \(name : Text) -> "Welcome ${name}"
in welcome user ++ 42
It should warn you on the last line with Error: (++) only works on (Text)